EUA, 1998
Realização: Christopher Coppola
Actores: Chris Lybbert, Lou Schwiebert, Clu Gulager, Robert Carradine, Martin Sheen
90 minutos
Um fora-da-lei sedento de vingança de um conhecido pistoleiro, rapta-lhe a namorada e rouba todo o gado ao patrão do pistoleiro. Este, ao saber do acontecido, jura matar todos os implicados.
A minha classificação: 4/10
1 comentário:
Since watching Gunfighter I have been desperately trying to think if I have ever seen a worse movie. I dont think I have.
I once stood in the town of Truckee,Ca, and watched a group of middle aged men dressed as cowboys putting on a street show, which, at the time, I felt was excruciatingly embarrassing.
Having seen Gunfighter I know what happened to those 'cowboys'. Christopher Coppola signed them up for his movie.
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